9.28.12 I have never had to play two shows in a night. I used to be in bands that played multiple sets but this was the same show twice. Only thinking up new jokes kept them from being carbon copies of each other. We had nice crowds for each show and we rocked them equally.
We keep waiting for some big political figure to come to one of our shows. They are all staying here. I’ve been in the lobby with Netanyahu… rode the elevator with Nancy Pelosi and John McCain, (separate elevators of course), but none of them have come to our show. I guess politics can really wear you out and you need to be in bed by 8 PM.
Two more shows tomorrow night. I got a spot of the funk from Georgia so I stayed in all day today. Tomorrow is our last day in NY and I hope I wake up feeling good enough to wander the city. I doubt we will be back till January when we blitz this town and do all the TV shows and press for the CD’s release!!