Tonite we played in Aberdeen, WA. It was an old place… the D &R Theatre. We didn’t have a lot of time for a sound check cause Kenny is working up some new songs in his set and when we DID sound check it sounded really bass-y and boomy and we got nervous about how the actual show was gonna sound. It wasn’t a good omen when dinner was spaghetti and lasagna. Our band is pretty carb and gluten free and we certainly don’t eat cheese before a show. Bet you didn’t know there were so many rules to this, did you? Cheese makes you sing bad. Pasta makes you fat. Fat, bad singers end up doing the early dinner show in a casino far off the strip in Vegas that has half the letters in it’s neon sign dark. So we went onstage hungry and nervous.
A good portion of the crowd actually knew who we were!!! We sang the first song and there were cheers and when we asked who had heard of us we got a great response. Granted, in a venue like this it is easy to lie, but I think they were sincere. A lot of them had even seen us before! That was very cool. Every song got a wilder and wilder reaction. We are still getting comfortable with the set. We took “Word” out to save time ’cause we wanted have time to do Help as an encore, but damned if we didn’t just talk and goof around and fill the space where it was and we didn’t have time for Help again! We are too charming for our own good. Sigh. One of these days we will be able to play nine songs in forty minutes. Seems doable, doesn’t it? YOU try it. Five more minutes is all I ask.
We met a huge crowd in the lobby and sold a lot of CDs again. Now Georgia is out singing “Friend “with Kenny, and I sit backstage in my shorts doing crossword puzzles till someone comes and gets me to go out and sing on “Conviction.” It is nice to come back out to sing to see if the audience remembers us from half an hour ago. In this world of MTV altered attention spans… that is NOT a given. But they always do. The looks on their faces is always fun. “Hey! I saw them before and liked them so I will like them again!” That saves a great deal of time. Three minutes later my pants are back off, the pencil is in my hand and 32 across is toast.
We stay here tonight and tomorrow we drive to Snicklerube… Sneebarooba…..wait… Snoqualmie, WA. That’s it. I think Snoqualmie is American Indian for “Place Where You Play For Forty Five Minutes.” I sure hope so.