What have YOU done for BSR lately?
A while ago, Georgia mentioned on our Facebook page that we never had a wedding cake. That is true. When we got married last April, a wonderful friend gave us a zillion delicious little Tea Cakes as our reception dessert. Even though they were delicious, there remained a gaping hole in our marriage that could only be filled by a true wedding cake. Georgia never mentioned it out loud… but there were signs. Always signs. An occasional sigh as she flipped through her pastry magazines. The slightest tremble in her shoulders during certain scenes of “The Wedding Crashers.” It killed me. Saturday night the void was filled.
A wonderful fan of Blue Sky Riders contacted us and told us she was coming to the show at the Belly Up in San Diego with a gift for us. We get the occasional gesture from members of our BSRmy (still working on making a that a “thing”)… a card here… a tin of salted nuts there. Tonight the bar was raised very high. She made us a wedding cake! We met them out in front of the club while they were in line and they handed us this giant box that contained a gorgeous wedding cake the size of a Volvo. Because we were at the beach she made it with an ocean theme… shells on the top… starfish on the side… all edible. Just like real shells and starfish!
We carved that puppy up right after we ate dinner in the dressing room and shared it with the band and the crew. When we hit the stage we were so juiced up on sugar that we played every song faster than normal. “Little Victories” took 47 seconds. It just made the show end that much faster so we could get back to the dressing room and have more cake! The show, while fast, was really fun. One of our more vocal and appreciative crowds. San Diego truly is a classy, classy lady.
So now the gauntlet has been thrown. No, actually I am NOT writing this to get more sweets and gifts. Buying the CD and coming to the show; hell, digging the music at ALL is really all we need. The cake is gone… the memories… and the pounds… remain forever.