September 18, 2011
Thank you so much for making KSBR part of your SoCal stop. You guys are truly amazing and I know the road ahead will be paved with huge success. We’ll keep you posted on the interview air dates for both radio and TV. Check in with us anytime during our Thursday show from 3-6p with updates on the album and new concert dates: 949-582-5727! – Blake and Tina / The Blake Aaron Radio Show
September 18, 2011
Too old to Dream? Lord I hope not! Loggins and Messina had a once in a lifetime harmony and sound! Blue Sky Riders have 3 fold song writing experience. The soul of Kenny Loggins. The driving solid voice of Gary Burr and the sultry yet biting voice of Georgia Middleman. My Dream? Just to dream that they can keep it all together and continue song writing and sharing their harmonies with us for years to come! Now there is one happy fan and dream! Mark B via Facebook
September 18, 2011
We listened to our autographed BSR’s CD all the way home and love all the songs. Everyone needs to get this sample of amazing things to come from this group, they are also on iTunes, too. Of course KL needs no introduction, but get ready for a big beautiful voice from a tiny little diamond (the shine & sparkle is her beautiful smile reflecting back at you!) Georgia Middleman and, the platinum holding that diamond, is of course, musical genius Gary Burr, who’s equally entertaining doing a bit of stand-up.
If you only pick one new group to check out this year, or in the near future, you would be remiss not to check out BSR! Thank you, you all made turning 54 tonight, not “sting” so much. So glad I’m NOT too old to Dream … Margaret B via Facebook
September 18, 2011
Hi guys. Saw you last night at Riverside Fox and you were Amazing. Georgia your voice soared through the theater and I have to say “Little Victories” was my favorite. Gary, those of us not in your world had no idea what an incredible talent you are; and Kenny, you’re like fine wine. Thank you for singing your hearts out. – Lisa T. via Facebook
September 11, 2011
By the way – the Blue Sky Riders were absolutely fantastic! Great songs, great unity, great vocals, great energy, incredible show. We loved them! The Blue Sky Riders Band really is special. It feels like some of those old time super groups like Blind Faith or something. That much talent from those three greats musicians was a sight to behold, candy to the ears, an uplift to the heart, and a wave of moving excellence. I predict great success for them, and I can’t wait to get their upcoming CD and to experience them in a full mainline concert in the future. – Dr. B
September 6, 2011Thank you so much for introducing us to Blue Sky Riders in Phoenix. Song writing will stay with me for a long time and the harmonies were so beautiful. What a nice addition to an already great concert. – Janet J via Facebook
August 31, 2011
Its a pleasure to hear the collaborative work of Blue Sky Riders, which looks to be a burgeoning band with staying power – fresh, yet familiar, sound – I only hope the texture, colors, quality and message is as appreciated by the “industry.” As an added measure, its good to see Hawkins in the studio with you Kenny. – David E. “77-78 KL crew alum” via Facebook
August 30, 2011
Just weeded through your whole site. From the blogs to the Listen! WOW ! Will be singing loud in my car right along with you! Music is awesome, and bless’ this heart. Not to quote one of Kenny’s other albums, but “Keep the Fire!” – Shawn S. via email
July 8, 2011
I am inspired by the song “Dream,” which I have declared to be the “Boomer National Anthem.” Thanks for shaking me out of my pitiful nostalgia mentality; I think I’ll take on the world with a fresh passion, instead. – Steve F via Facebook
June 25, 2011
Y’all were awesome! Great honor to be part of last night [at Indian Ranch] & I can brag to friends I saw you all first! Looking forward to following your progress & can’t wait til music becomes available. – Janette L. via Facebook
June 24, 2011
Can’t say enough about how great your sound/songs were tonight [at Indian Ranch]. Looking forward to an awesome future for Blue Sky Riders. I predict a hit with ‘Dream’ and can’t wait till you all get really rolling with it. – Sandie P via Facebook
April 15, 2011
Hey Kenny, it’s evident that you are, indeed, in the midst of another creative transition, possibly the most profound of your career. Part of this has to do with your own personal awareness this time around, the other piece (just as large), the sheer talent and sound of the band; harmonies, lyrics and energy of Blue Sky Riders are nothing short of magical. I’m guessing “Dream” will be BSR’s first hit. Others are equally as strong, like ”Finally Home” and “Little Victories” is beautiful; chorus brings tears. – Catherine
April 9, 2011
Wow – glad you are goin’ in the studio soon to get these songs out to us – REALLY lovin’ the three part harmonies and the trade off between the three of you… Thanks for a new musical chapter in life! – Jeanine via Facebook
April 3, 2011
The BSR debut was above and beyond any expectations I had before I walked through the door that night at Tin Pan South. When the show began, I was blown away! The way the songs all came together made them grow into live performance art.
You are always reinventing yourself as an artist, and you never stop amazing me. During the show, I turned over my shoulder to see folks clapping along, or whispering “wow, that sounds incredible” or “she’s really good; is that song on ITunes? It should be!” Georgia was glowing, the show stealer at times, as her personality bubbled over into the songs and her energy pulled the three of you together as one with the crowd. Gary took me by surprise on the mandolin! This is a band/a group/an act/an artistry that needs to be seen!
Energy as hot as the fire that filled the air during the show continued outside. I will remember that moment always .. how pumped the fans were. Hopefully there will be that reaction, and more, as you take the band on the road for some of the shows this summer and fall! You should be so very proud of yourselves! You were right, you’re never too old to dream, to believe, to go for it. YOU ALL DID IT! I can’t wait to watch the journey continue to unfold … Janet
March 30, 2011
Just listened to “I’m a Rider” Makes me want to learn to drive just so I can buy a car and then blare that song at full volume as I motor down Route 66! Love the message and love those Eagles/Fleetwood Mac-type harmonies! – GaryS via Facebook