We’re closing in on it. Coming up to the finish line. We have 10 more days before our record is due to be delivered so we can make our release date of January 29, 2013. We’ve been working really hard on it and then a few weeks ago, something happened. The three of us wrote a new song that we liked so much we decided it had to be on the record. Normally, we’d have to go through a major corporation and try to fight for our case, but being the record-label owners ourselves, it took one call to our distributor to make sure we could still make our release deadline. We were told we could. So even though Kenny was in Santa Barbara and Gary and I were in Nashville and we were up against the clock, we made it happen. Got it recorded and mixed. (more…)
Closing In On The Finish Line
Posted on November 12, 2012 by Georgia in
We’re closing in on it. Coming up to the finish line. We have 10 more days before our record is due to be delivered so we can make our release date of January 29, 2013. We’ve been working really hard on it and then a few weeks ago, something happened. The three of us wrote […]