Posted on June 30, 2014 by administrator in Blog, News
Kenny’s summer tour officially kicks off in June, so check out his Tour Page… and we’ll be joining him as the opening act for many of his shows through July and August! Be sure to watch our Tour Schedule for all the details … including headline dates coming up later in the year! (more…)
Kenny’s summer tour officially kicks off in June, so check out his Tour Page… and we’ll be joining him as the opening act for many of his shows through July and August!
Be sure to watch our Tour Schedule for all the details … including headline dates coming up later in the year!
Posted on June 30, 2014 by Gary in Blog, Gary Blogs
Every once in a great while when you are “working”…. something happens that reminds you why you started doing what you do in the first place. A little moment when you say, “Oh yeah. THIS is why I put the time and effort in.” A couple of nights ago we played a private show in […]
Every once in a great while when you are “working”…. something happens that reminds you why you started doing what you do in the first place. A little moment when you say, “Oh yeah. THIS is why I put the time and effort in.” A couple of nights ago we played a private show in a club in Sundance, Utah, and I had one of those epiphanies. (more…)
Posted on June 9, 2014 by administrator in Blog, Gary Blogs
I thought I had done the strangest, most chaos inspiring gig in Palm Springs a few weeks ago. It’s taken me till now to recover and pick the lock on the woodshed. Apparently there was plenty of weird to come. I am sitting in Santa Cruz, CA after a show that, quite frankly, made our […]
I thought I had done the strangest, most chaos inspiring gig in Palm Springs a few weeks ago. It’s taken me till now to recover and pick the lock on the woodshed. Apparently there was plenty of weird to come. I am sitting in Santa Cruz, CA after a show that, quite frankly, made our last show seem like a Carnegie Hall teamsters show. (more…)
Posted on June 3, 2014 by Gary in Blog, Gary Blogs
There are certain ways of being “funny” that ensure that you spend the rest of your life answering questions like “Are you being funny?” or “Was that a joke?” There is no “funny font” on a computer. Sarcasm doesn’t come color-coded so it jumps off the page and warns you that the writer thinks he […]
There are certain ways of being “funny” that ensure that you spend the rest of your life answering questions like “Are you being funny?” or “Was that a joke?” There is no “funny font” on a computer. Sarcasm doesn’t come color-coded so it jumps off the page and warns you that the writer thinks he is smarter than he really is. (more…)