I’ve had a cough since Thanksgiving. I have enough fluid in my lungs to support several Koi carp. Before you start writing in and reminding me about Jim Henson… I have been to the doctor. Many times. X -rays. Chest thumping. The whole bit. He diagnosed me as being (his words written directly on my chart) a “Great big sissy boy.” I’m sure it sounds better in Latin. (more…)
Lungs Huh! What are they good for? Absolutely nothin!
Posted on February 8, 2016 by Gary in
I’ve had a cough since Thanksgiving. I have enough fluid in my lungs to support several Koi carp. Before you start writing in and reminding me about Jim Henson… I have been to the doctor. Many times. X -rays. Chest thumping. The whole bit. He diagnosed me as being (his words written directly on my […]